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Direct State to State Transport
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Getting educated prior to shipping your vehicle is most important as all companies provide different services. Please take a minute to read a little about our company.
Handled With Care
State 2 State Auto transport understands how much your vehicle means to you. This is why we take the utmost care in making sure that your vehicle is handled as if it was our own. Having years of auto transport experience allows us to quickly and safely transport your vehicle, while making sure that it arrives in the same condition that it left in. We also offer a free online tracking service for every auto transport so you can maintain peace of mind throughout the process! Let State 2 State handle all of your auto shipping needs! Call us at (866) 881-0480 today and get the very best in auto shipping!
Open Carrier
Open Trailer auto shipping is the most common type of auto transport. You often see Open Trailer transport vessels along just about any major roadway in America. As most vehicles are exposed to weather regularly, there is no need for the added costs of shipping enclosed. Open transport is our standard service and should be the best and most affordable option for you! State 2 State transports brand new vehicles on the open carrier on a regular basis showing that this is a reliable and safe way to ship.
Door to Door Direct Transport
This is the type of service you will experience with State 2 State Auto Transport. Transporting your vehicle this way will prevent the vehicle from being operated by anyone. Your vehicle will remain on the same vessel the entire transport which will eliminate terminals, rotation from truck to truck, and last but not least, it will be transported in a safe and timely manner. Lets not forget that your vehicle will be picked up and delivered to the addresses provided to us, unless it is a restricted area for the driver or an area he can not get too in a safely manner.
Availability is very important to the customer. Due to the large network of drivers we have established, we can offer to move the vehicle at the customer’s request. Notification is very important as we can save you some money if notice is given. We also can offer our expedited service for next day pick up if necessary.
Enclosed Auto Transport
Shipping your vehicle via enclosed transport offers several significant benefits. First and foremost, it provides an extra layer of protection against external elements such as weather, debris, and road hazards. This option is particularly valuable for luxury, classic, or valuable cars, where maintaining pristine condition is paramount.
Licensed / Bonded / Insured
Dealing with a large network of trucks state 2 state has chosen the best haulers in the industry to deal with. All drivers are fully licensed insured and bonded. All information is provided prior to picking your vehicle up. You are also greeted with a full inspection on your vehicle upon pick up and delivery to make sure that you vehicle is delivered in the condition it is picked up in. If at all anything happens during shipping the insurance is Primary and has a 0 deducible to the customer.
Inspections are handled in a professional manner. When our drivers arrive at the origin they will do a full inspection of the vehicle where all is noted on paper for the customer to sign. When the vehicle arrives at the destination, the same process is done to make sure that the vehicle is delivered in the same condition it was picked up. All of our drivers carry full primary coverage insurance, as it is against the law to transport a vehicle without it being insured. We are licensed and bonded and are proud to provide that information to the customer upon their request.
It was a pleasure providing you with a quotation regarding transporting your vehicle. Getting a quote on transporting your vehicle could be extremely confusing if you are uneducated about the service procedures. You will receive a large amount of quotes that will fluctuate from very high to very low. Please take the time to read and educate yourself on how the industry works with this information. This will help you make your decision on choosing your shipping company.
First, what you must understand is that the industry is run by brokers. Some companies will try to state differently, but again you must understand that everyone you are speaking to is a broker. We as brokers are the ones responsible for locating a driver to transport your vehicle needs. You also must understand that every company that you speak to also operates exactly the same. This will make you wonder why pricing is all over the place. As complicated as it may seem, this is a very simple process. All brokers are capable of charging whatever price they want, but this may not get your vehicle moved. When an order is booked with the broker, the job is posted on what we call the national board. This national board is called Central Dispatch. This is where the jobs will be posted by the broker to await a trucker to take the job from the broker. A standard price is issued for brokers to go by so that drivers will take these orders. But again brokers can post these jobs at their desired price. This is where you could come across companies that may end up having a problem transporting your vehicle due to under quoting and drivers not wanting to take the order, or companies over charging so that they can make a larger dollar amount for themselves. You must understand that on any given route there will be at least 10-15 jobs on the board. If you are the cheapest on the board, the drivers will take the job that offers more to them. This will delay your pick up. Now, if you are in no rush to transport your vehicle, price reduction may be something we can work out for you, but there will be no guaranteed pick up dates.
State 2 State Auto Transport prices all their jobs based on the standard rate that the drivers are asking for, we also have a network of about 600 trucks that we have created a relationship with that we trust and deal with exclusivly, so if you are looking for a set date we strongly suggest that you go by the standard price, which will get your vehicle picked up at the dates requested from the customer, as long as 5-7 days of notice is provided. In the event that you are looking to have your vehicle picked up sooner then 5 days, you can do what is called an expedited service, which will cost an average of $100-$150 extra to rush your order. Some routes do not require extra money to move quickly, as the route may be lacking work. Do not authorize any company to charge your deposit without the email confirmation sent to you. Companies that do, show they are willing to take your money without knowing if they can actually locate a driver for you. This email confirmation should state whom will be picking up your vehicle and when. This email is sent once the broker has located a driver for pick up. Also, don’t forget that you can always ask for a certificate of insurance once order is dispatched.
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